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Organized Tips & Ideas


Three Steps to a Perfect Pantry

There's something exciting and nerve-wrecking to be said about hosting a dinner party. Everything depends on the host from the way the food taste, to the events that take place throughout the evening. With the stress from all THAT expectation, the stress of a cluttered pantry is probably the last thing you need on your plate (no pun intended). So let's straighten the pantry out before you set the date.

Organize, Alphabetize, Clarify

There's no one way to organize the items in your pantry as not everyone’s food closet is filled with the same cuisines. There is however always a way to organize yours. Choose the best way that works for you. Whether that be keeping like items together, alphabetizing them, or storing foods used most often front and center, an organized pantry should match your organizing style.


Divide and Conquer

Organizing your pantry by category is a HUGE help, but take it a step further by adding dividers. In the midst of a rushed dinner, you may overlook an item in your pantry if it all runs together, but if you add in kitchen dividers that separate each group, you will be surprised how quickly you what you need. Dividers, shelves, baskets, and dispensers are all beneficial to helping create a fully functional pantry.


Be a Happy Buyer, Don't Let it Expire!

As you're cleaning your pantry or refrigerator, it's frustrating to throw out expired foods. Foods you would have eaten had you seen them. This results in a waste of money and food. Prevent by rotating your groceries. Check your pantry before going to the grocery store, and if you do decide to stock up on a particular item, make sure you rotate the older items to the front of the pantry so you use them first.

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Need more organizing tips for the pantry? Watch our video now for a step by step guide!


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